About us


What we do

With passion and years of experience, we create dramatic motifs through targeted glass cracks. We represent emotions in a completely new way. We use our technical skills and machine support. Our guiding principle:

“Beautifully broken”


who we are

We are Jan and Jesse, two friends with the same drive. We find the inspiration for our motifs in topics that move and shape us. A motif must always match the natural drama of broken glass. We are constantly looking for new ways to further develop this young art form and are passionate about what we do.

Teamfoto Grundke und Jäger


What drives us

Art made from cracked glass is our passion. Why? Glass cracks are a young refreshing way to create art. There is still a lot to discover in this medium. The diversity of inspiration holds great appeal for artists and art lovers.

Art has a deeper meaning with a claim to eternity. That's why each collection deals with a theme that we will draw attention to. 


Where we create

Located in the university town of Paderborn, our factory is a central point of contact for creative design. 

This is where we bring our visions to life and ensure that our works of art find their way to people.

Our company is through this Start-up grant.NRW promoted.  


How to reach us

We like to talk about our passion. Do you have questions about collections, commissioned productions or the art itself? 
We look forward to hearing from you.

How do I hang my picture?


Aufhängung Rückseite Glassart Broken Glass

The invisible fastening via tabs on the back makes the work of art appear to float on the wall, which gives it a special lightness.

Stainless steel holder

Aufhängung Edelstahl Halterung Hochwertig Glas gebrochen Kunst

With sturdy stainless steel brackets on the top and bottom, the picture ensures a secure fit - a perfect choice for households with active pets.